๐Ÿ„Drug Collection and Processing Zones

  1. You must engage with people doing the collection and processing before any violence occurs. If you shoot/stab/hit/cuff before any verbal RP takes please, this is considered RDM. You must engage in RP that doesnโ€™t involve bodily harm first.โ€จโ€จ

  2. You may not engage with people during the time theyโ€™re locked in the animation for gathering or processing. However, if you notice theyโ€™re just spamming E over and over, you may then engage. Even if you do this, the above rule still applies, and verbal RP is required before any violent actions take place. โ€จโ€จ

  3. You may not camp the collection or processing zones of any drug. It becomes a problem if the same group is just continuously robbing in these areas over and over. We will protect the general population of the server, over a small group of โ€œmuggers.

Last updated