๐Ÿ“–Glossary & Tips

Here are some helpful tips and lingo to make your Rp experience smoother.

Words to know

  1. Random Deathmatch: The act of killing players randomly and without any reason.

  2. Vehicle Deathmatch: The act of running players over randomly and without any reason.

  3. Metagaming: Using information obtained out of game to your advantage in game.

  4. Powergaming: Controlling the scenario with force and not allowing other parties an opportunity to roleplay back and exploiting game mechanics to your advantage.

  5. Fear RP: The idea that your character would be scared for their life, if it was a real life scenario.

  6. Animation Protection: Certain game-prohibiting animations that would otherwise be doable in real life.

RP terminology

  1. Tsunami: When the server restarts

  2. Locals: The non playable characters in GTA

  3. Voicebox: The sound settings of your microphone

  4. Look through your eyes: Change to first person view

  5. Muscle: A button on the keyboard

  6. Take a nap: Reconnect to the game, usually to fix a bug

  7. One way to the Bahamas: A ban

  8. Eyes open/Go Pro/ Body Cam: They are Streaming

  9. Use your third eye: This is ususally your left Alt

  10. In head/day dreaming: That player has/ had to go AFK

  11. Head popped: Game crashed

  12. Have a spider: Animation is bugged for other players; jump to fix it.

  13. Headache: Lagging

  14. Brain: Refers to their pc

  15. Voices/voices in my head: You are/were distracted/someone is talking to you IRL.

  16. Perma: permanent death.

  17. Months: This is referring to a prison sentence. It is converted to IRL minutes.

  18. The Nines/HUT: Held until a trial takes place.

  19. Lifer: As the name states, serving life in prison(unless broken out).


  1. If you notice a playerโ€™s microphone isnโ€™t working, you should suggest they โ€œcheck their voiceboxโ€ instead of saying โ€œhey your mic is messed upโ€

  2. When wanting to know when the next server restart is, you should ask about โ€œany upcoming tsunamisโ€

  3. Any time youโ€™re referring to the NPCs, it's important that you call them โ€œlocalsโ€ instead of โ€œNPCโ€

  4. If you need to know about a certain keybind, simply ask โ€œsorry which muscle was that?โ€

  5. If you are ever stuck in a situation with your roleplay, and are unsure on what to do next, just try your best to not break character and say what needs to be said to move the conversation along. After the scenario, ask that player to join you in discord and talk with them on what you could have done better to make the RP more enjoyayable.

Last updated