๐ŸฅทOrganized Crime Standard Operations

Due to change, always check for updates.


The following document is a city-wide required procedure for both violent crimes and gang activity. This is an extension of the standard rules and both should be followed in unison. Should any of the two documents contradict please follow the most strict of the two, but please flag the rules to reevaluate through a support ticket in Discord.

Should any of these rules be broken; blatantly or ignorantly, a community strike will be placed on all offending parties.

Basic Rules

It is important to know that the Wyldfire Staff expects that violent and organized crime will be held to a higher expectation of roleplay. If ignored the community penalties can become more severe over time based on the outcome of the overall scenario.

All groups that intend to be established must submit a Gang Request ticket in the discord to be reviewed by the Staff. If not whitelisted, the group is limited to 4 players active in a scenario via the normal limit rules.

A gang's official roster shall be locked to 30 total members and at no point will exceed this limit.

Members of whitelisted gangs are held to a higher standard of RP because of the potential power that they hold in the city. Being a member of a whitelisted gang is similar to being a business owner. You must adhere to stricter rules because a gang can affect the balance of the city and the entire economy. To this end, frequent communication with admins shall be expected and required.

Specific channels of communication in Discord will be kept open to allow for gangs to communicate with admins so clear intentions can be stated.

Players may only have one character in one gang in the city. They may leave and join another gang or create a new character that joins a gang, but can only have one active gang member at a time.

Gang leaders are required to keep an updated roster of all members in the communication channel with admins.

Gangs are expected to police themselves, any gang member(s) breaking rules will be punished accordingly and depending on the severity of the offense(s) the gang as a whole will be punished. This can include server bans of the entire gang or forced disassembly of the gang.

Gangs are expected to maintain control of an area that will be their โ€œhome turfโ€. Gangs may only have a single location as their headquarters and base of operations.

If you as a gang member are going to be a business owner, when doing crime you must make an effort to hide your identity. Businesses owned by the gang must remain legal and above board. If a gang chooses to perform illegal activity out of their business, they will run the risk of being raided and closed down in RP by police if illegal activity is found.

Gang clothing is not exclusive to any colors. Meaning, if youโ€™re a blood gang, that does not give you the right to kill someone just for wearing red. This would fall under RDM. You shall not force anyone to change clothing based on the color of their clothing. This includes any bandanas worn. Should you see players openly trying to copy your colors, and act as a member of your gang - you may report the issue and we can speak to them. For gangs who have logoed clothing, such as the Lost MC, they may force a player to change their vest as that is a very specific item.

Multiple gangs can not โ€œteam upโ€ against an individual or unaffiliated player.

Multiple gangs can not โ€œteam upโ€ to attack another gang with more than 5 people. If multiple gangs are working together, the interaction will still be limited to 4 members split between 2 or more gangs.

Coke runs shall not be claimed by any gang, and shall remain open for all citizens to perform.

Last updated